DJ & Live Artists

javier playing in front of DJ Alex

The perfect party pact!

Not sure to have live music or a DJ? Why not have both!

The energy of live performers is unbeatable. There’s no argument here. But it has some downsides as well. Their playing time is often limited and they need to take breaks. So it is very unlikely that you can party into the night with a band for hours and hours straight.

All this is solved when you combine one or multiple live acts with a DJ. All MOOOV DJs are experienced in creating a seamless journey throughout the event, he has already set the mood well before the band starts, plays suitable music during the breaks to keep the energy up, and takes over the party after the band has stopped.

Our speciality

At MOOOV, we believe that the right combination of DJ and live music is by far the best option for any party. It is the most flexible and versatile way to create the right atmosphere and to keep that going from start to finish.

That is why we’ve decided to develop several DJ & Live Acts that are suitable for many different occasions.

A full 4-hour party package

All our DJ & Live Packages include a full 4-hour service with the DJ playing from beginning to end and the artists performing their sets throughout these hours.

These hours can be extended if required. For example, if you like to have background music played during dinner and the live act to start over dessert (which is a very popular choice) than you might want to add one or two hours extra if you like to party until 2 in the morning.

Anything is possible so just contact us to discuss your ideas.

Learn more about the topic of DJ and/or live band in this article.